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2 A Womans Heart

Every woman has something she wants to work on or change and we are not talking just physical, we are talking emotional, mental and spiritual. Can you tap into the very thing that you are fearful of ? This site is here for you to find the thing that will provoke a thought or action to becoming your better best self. Share with other ladies, leave a comment, make a suggestion. Follow us on social media outlets - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler and subscribe to the YouTube channel. Listen to the podcast. Its time for new beginnings, to let go of the baggage that is weighing you down, the realization that you are that strong women and that you deserve more. You are the controller of your destiny and the key to your happiness. Healing of self,  understanding that you are worth it. This site is for you. Welcome - Share! Remember you hold the KEY to your destiny! Choose wisely!​

The Mission

Building a community of women whose hearts have skipped a beat or two from the pressures and disappointments of life. We will be the voice to encourage, uplift and build up. To be strength when weak and the filler when the heart is broken into pieces, the hope, light and the smile that keeps each other lifted.


Our Purpose

Building a Sisterhood like no other, tied together in faith, hope and love. Reminding our sisters we are strong. We are powerful, We will be the voice to be heard and never silenced. Visionaries, builder of dreams together, always striving to be our better best selves. Encouraging our sisters.

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Pink Sugar
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The Woman's Pledge

I pledge to be true to myself, to love me when others do not see my worth, to build myself up when others want to tare me down. To vow to never let anyone steal my confidence or take away my self esteem. To know the woman that I am and the grounds that I stand on. To believe in myself that I deserve better and will not settle for less or lower my standards for acceptance. To be strong and stay the course that will push me into my destiny. I vow to be the protector of my own heart and let no one or nothing make me what I am not designed to be. I vow to not accept any abuse of any kind that will make me feel less than I am as a woman. I vow to learn how to be self supportive and learn how to be by myself when it involves an unhealthy relationship. I vow to push through my pain and unwavering never settling for less. I vow to always respect myself as a woman in words and in what I wear. I vow to LOVE me and to know I am worthy. My present state will determine my future opportunity. I vow to be the Woman I was meant to be.

I promise to be true to who I am. I will honor the words I have read above to the best of my ability. 


Sign Your Name Here:____________________

I will Leave a Legacy

I have dreams that I will fulfill I have visions that I will make a reality, my legacy will be impactful, my steps to change in what I have learned in this journey will be documented, My experiences is a map for those who come behind me to follow a legacy that is unforgettable, the gift that will keep on giving

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I'm Here for You

We will walk this Journey Together, Hand and Hand, If you need me reach out to me and I will be there, we will get through this together

This is a Sisterhood

Love Helps carry the Load

Pink Powder


Pink Petals

Women standing Hand in Hand Encouraging Each Other

You Are Not Alone

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Words of Encouragement

I am not alone in the path that I take. I realize that I have other woman that have endured some of the issues that I have dealt with. My life has not been easy at times and at times I wanted to give up but something within me would not allow me to give up. Its funny life deals you a hand that you are not ready for and you want to throw that hand in and say this is not mine, give it to someone else. Life challenges ups and downs ins and out have a way of making you who you are, its all about what we do with the hand we are given. Are we given the best parents no, do we have the best childhood no, do we always get it right no, are we always understood no, do we always feel like we are loved no, do we feel worthy all the time no but we can't let that stop us. We have to push through all of the hurt and pain because in that it makes us who we are. We are strong we are worth love and we are worth respect we are worth being the best we can be. Be encouraged find the strength to change the path you were on. Let us not let the path of the past hold us back from getting to the future. Let us not miss the opportunities to grow from all the things we went through that was meant to help us grow regardless of how bad it seemed. Everything in life has a purpose and we have to find our purpose. It doesn't mean you will forget or negate the obstacles you have to fight your way back to yourself and a better path. Be encouraged ladies choose wisely your path from this day forward and

let no one dictate your destination you be the navigation of your life.

You are not alone

NO Negativity ONLY Positive Vibes

I Am Restored

I Am Empowered, I Am Strong, I Am a Survivor, I Am Focused, I Am the Best Me Ever, I Am Love, I Am Woman, I Am Purpose, I Am Free, I Am a New Beginning, I Am Great, I Am Happy, I Am Amazing, I Am Talented, I Am Beautiful, I Am Gorgeous, I Am Smart, I Am Kind, I Am Pretty......I Am Restored


I am Jumping with CONFIDENCE

I am Capable of Doing Anything I put my Mind to......POWERFUL....Empowered

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Woman Power

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A Woman's Heart

is the pillar of her Family



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